Khazar Ibrahim: "We will expand scope of mobile consular services in US"

"We have already provided mobile consular services in dozens of western and southern cities and states, Chicago, Texas, Boston, and New York, and we will expand the scope of our activities," Azerbaijani Ambassador to the United States Khazar Ibrahim told Report.

The diplomat has already held two meetings with Azerbaijanis in New York for the mobile consular service. According to him, as a result of the embassy's activities, close contacts were established with members of the Azerbaijani community living in the United States: "As the Azerbaijani embassy in the US, we also decided to provide mobile consular services when we go to the regions. Our citizens should not come to Washington to solve any problem. As part of this project, we often visit our compatriots living in different cities and states of the United States. We try to get to know them better, listen to their problems, and discuss what we can do together. Today we meet again with the New York Community. Together with our Consul Jeyhun Novruzov, we talked to our community members, listened to them, exchanged views on solving problems, plans and so on. Each of them is our citizens engaging in voluntary diaspora activities in this country on behalf of Azerbaijan, and we cannot be indifferent to them."

The ambassador stressed that he is ready to support Azerbaijanis in all matters: "Such meetings will be held regularly. A few days ago, I went to Silicon Valley and met with educated Azerbaijani engineers and other Azerbaijanis who specialized in different fields. It is a matter of great pride that we have young, talented and successful people in this country. We talked to them, spoke about their concerns, and exchanged views on what we can do together. Then we provided mobile consular services there. I think our communities abroad should be distinguished by their successful activities so as to further strengthen the bilateral relations of those countries with Azerbaijan. We'll continue our activity in the future to make our compatriots feel the care of Azerbaijani state, embassy and government."

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