Italian MPs demand that Armenia present map of minefields

Senators and deputies from various Italian political parties strongly condemned Armenia's failure to provide maps of Azerbaijan's mined areas, saying that three Azerbaijani civilians, including two journalists, were killed by an anti-tank mine, and four were injured in the incident while on duty in the Kalbajar region. They demanded the immediate delivery of the maps to Azerbaijan. The statements of the parliamentarians were published on their social network profiles and in the Italian media, the Azerbaijani Embassy in Italy told Report.

Ettore Rosato, a deputy speaker of the Italian Chamber of Deputies and member of the Italy Alive party, told the Italian news agencies ANSA and Agenzia Nova: "The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan is over. It is everyone's interest and responsibility to work to avoid further casualties. For Azerbaijan to clear its lands of mines is a matter of urgency, therefore the international community must ensure that maps of mined areas are provided to Azerbaijani authorities. Today, the tragedy of the deaths of three civilians, including two journalists, should not be repeated."

Chairman of the Italian Senate's Standing Commission for External Affairs and Emigration, Senator Vito Petrocelli from the Five Star Movement, said on his Twitter page: "I offer my deepest condolences to the victims of the conflict, which has already ended but is still cause to landmine explosions in the area. I hope that the maps of the areas set by Armenia will be submitted immediately."

Maria Rizzotti, Deputy Chair of the Forza Italia Political Party in the Italian Senate and a member of the Italian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, told Agenzia Nova news agency that she was saddened to learn that three civilians, including two journalists, had been killed and four others injured in a landmine explosion by Armenia: "We firmly continue our demand to provide maps of the areas mined by Armenia. So that the process of demining the land will take place and innocent people will not be sacrificed again. International law has been repeatedly violated, and it is time for the international community to make clear and tough demands on Armenia."

The chairperson of the Italian-Azerbaijani Friendship Association in the Italian Parliament, Rossana Boldi, a member of the Lega Nord, said on her Twitter account: "Today, three civilians, including two journalists, were killed in a landmine explosion. This was an expected tragedy. If Armenia does not provide maps for demining the liberated territories of Azerbaijan, there is a danger of a repeat of this tragedy. I wish peace for Armenia and Azerbaijan. In the interests of both peoples, areas must be cleared of mines and made safe."

Senator Gianluca Ferrara, the Five Star Movement party group leader in the Italian Senate's Standing Commission for External Affairs and Emigration, told Agenzia Nova news agency and Politicamento Corretto news portal that he was "deeply disappointed" that three civilians, including two journalists, were killed in an anti-tank mine explosion by Armenia. "About 35,000 mines have already been cleared in the liberated lands recognized as international territories of Azerbaijan. Anti-personnel mines buried by Armenia in recent years have already killed and injured many people. Armenia should provide these maps showing the locations of these mines as soon as possible. Armenia has had no intention of cooperating, and as a result, civilians, including children, have suffered. If there is a real desire to build a new environment of peace in those areas, then cooperation is irreplaceable. I have visited those areas and witnessed the great sorrow of the Azerbaijani people, victims of injustice. I would really like to see a turn here; this stubbornness is as unjust as a war crime," senator noted.

Commenting on the tragedy, Urania Papatheu, a senator from the Forza Italia party and a member of the Italian delegation to the Central European Initiative Parliamentary Assembly, told Agenzia Nova, Ansa, Askanews, La Presse, Dire, 9 Colonne news agencies: "Today, the death of three civilians, including two journalists, and the wounding of four others as a result of an anti-tank mine explosion by Armenian troops in the Kalbajar region of Azerbaijan demonstrates another intolerable violence against the civilian population. It's time to turn the page." "Official Yerevan must provide maps of mined areas in the liberated areas as soon as possible. As has been repeatedly stated, we are talking about territories with unexploded ordnance in those lands. Such behavior of Armenia is a gross violation of international humanitarian law," she added.

Senator Stefano Lucidi, head of the Azerbaijan-Italy Interparliamentary Friendship Group in the Italian Parliament, member of the Italian Senate's Standing Commission for External Affairs and Emigration from the Lega Nord, told Agenzia Nova that the South Caucasus region needs peace and stability and that it is crucial to provide maps of mines planted by Armenians in Azerbaijan in order to ensure the provisions of the Tripartite Declaration ending the 30-year Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The senator added that the international diplomatic community should condemn Armenia's failure to hand over the maps on the deployment of deadly anti-personal and anti-tank mines in Azerbaijan, which caused deaths among the civilian population and Armenia must allow the territories of Azerbaijan to be completely cleared of mines.

Gianluca Castaldi, a member of the Italian Senate from the Five Star Movement, told Agenzia Nova: "I have just spoken with Ambassador Mammad Ahmadzadeh to express my condolences over the deaths of three civilians, including two journalists, in an anti-tank mine blast in Azerbaijan's Kalbajar region. The continuing increase in violence deeply saddens me. We must all work for peace in the Caucasus. It is vital to provide maps for clearing mined areas."

Aldo Patriciello, Member of the European Parliament from Italy, shared the official statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on his Facebook page, published on the Italian portal Kmetro0: "An anti-tank mine explosion in Azerbaijan has killed three civilians, including two journalists, and is a serious threat to peace. I think it is important that Armenia meets the international community's requirements and submits maps of mined areas as soon as possible. Peace and security between the two peoples must be ensured through the joint cooperation of all at all costs."

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