Ismayil Akhundov: Non-implementation of UN resolutions gives rise to not determining fate of missing

Armenia's non-fulfillment of the requirements of known UN resolutions played a key role in not determining the fate of the missing Azerbaijanis, Ismayil Akhundov, head of the Working Group of the Commission on Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan, said at the international conference on "Increasing national and global efforts to clarify the fate of missing persons", Report informs.

According to him, 2 to 7 members of each of the 62 families went missing in the First Karabakh War, and there is still no information about them: "This is a shame for humanity. Although Azerbaijan's great victory in the Patriotic War raised hopes in the families of the missing, the landmine problem slowed down search efforts."

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