"Hoisting French flag over Francophonie office in Khankandi political adventure"

"A few days ago, Valerie Pecresse, the main presidential candidate in the upcoming French presidential elections, took several parliamentarians with her on an illegal visit to Khankandi. They visited the office of the Organization of the Francophonie in Khankandi and raised the `flag’ of the Karabakh separatists on the building.

“This already means crossing the red line. First, the peacekeepers in the area do not control the movement and do not act in accordance with their duties. Second, the illegal visit of Ms. Pecresse, including the hanging of the separatist’s `flag’ on the `Francophonie’ office is a political adventure. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry issued a note of protest to France. Apparently, there is a need for tougher and more sustainable measures, including beefing up control," a Ph.D. in Politics, Professor Sabir Mammadli told Report.

Pecresse’s step should not come as a surprise, he thinks.

“She has always been distinguished by her pro-Armenian stance. In fact, most other French politicians are the same. Because the Armenian Diaspora has the opportunity to influence them. It should be noted that the official Paris voted for four well-known (UN) resolutions (condemning the occupation of the Azerbaijani territories by Armenia) in the late 1990s. Now, the move is disrespect for its international obligations. Its disrespect for the territorial integrity of states, non-compliance with resolutions and the requirements of international law show that she is not a far-sighted politician. Of course, a smart politician will not take such steps."

"Now we must raise the issue of joint control over the Lachin corridor with Russia"

Sabir Mammadli said that French politicians take such steps in order to win the votes of France’s ethnic Armenians.

"But this is a blow to the current President Emmanuel Macron. Most likely, Macron will take this into account in his future policy, weigh up pros and cons. I think that even if it is not the president personally, representatives of the French government will express their dissatisfaction to Yerevan."

Sabir Mammadli also showed the ideal path for Azerbaijan.

"The Kremlin leader understands that Pecresse is a real rival to Macron. We know that the current relations between Moscow and Paris are not so 'hot'. In this sense, turning a blind eye to the illegal visit by the Russian peacekeepers was a `pass’ to Pecresse.

“On the other hand, there is a danger for Azerbaijan. Thus, the illegal visits of representatives of other countries to Khankandi are to a certain degree stimulated and conditions are created for the Lachin corridor to become a road for everyone. Now we must raise the issue of joint control over the Lachin corridor with Russia.

“This is optimum way for the official Baku. Given this, of course, there will be no opportunities for the peacekeepers to behave arbitrarily. The complete exclusion of Moscow contradicts the November 10 tripartite statement. However, as I mentioned, the joint control over the Lachin corridor at the early stage will be both a serious blow to the separatists and terrorists in Azerbaijani territories under temporary control of the Russian peacekeeper and will to a certain extent prove who is who.”

"Trade restrictions with France must be launched"

Professor Gabil Huseynli, a political expert, told Report that such steps by French politicians are not in line with any international law.

“As is known, we sent a protest note to France and resolutely condemned those moves. Simultaneously, we have blacklisted Pecresse and her entourage. France is acting in accordance with double standards, although many international organizations, of which France is also a member, that is the United Nations and the Council of Europe, recognize Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. What is then the logic behind Pecresse’s illegal visit?! On the other hand, the inaction of the peacekeepers is also a source of serious anger. They have turned the Lachin corridor almost into a `waterway’."

The professor does not rule out the possibility of certain contradictions in Baku-Paris relations in the future.

“Our largest trade relations between European countries are with France. I think we need to start restricting trade with France. This must be done at the state and citizens levels. We should give preference to goods made by the brotherly country Turkey instead of French products. In any case, Paris should feel the influence. It must understand that Azerbaijan is an important partner for it. Maybe, then it might give up actions that do not comply with human rights, international law and its obligations."

"Illegal visit to Khankandi will remain a permanent stain on their political careers"

Pundit, Honored Journalist Tofig Abbasov told Report that Pecresse is an incompetent politician.

“A politician preparing for elections cannot violate the laws of other countries. Instead of trying to gain sympathy, she commits a crime. This shows the political illiteracy of both Pecresse and the diplomats around her. The illegal visit to Khankandi will remain a permanent stain on their political careers. In a nutshell, those politicians dug a political grave for themselves with their own hands. It is clear that it will be very difficult for her to win the elections. Even if she gets the required number of votes, she will not be able to take a good step for the future of her country."

The political expert believes that Azerbaijan responds to all provocations cold-bloodedly.

"That is why the treacherous dreams of those who do not want us remain in their hearts. We take our steps after properly weighing them up and down. In the processes taking place around Karabakh, a quartet format consisting of Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia, and Armenia has emerged. We first discuss steps then take them.

“This is what comprehensive politics demands. No one can accuse us of any action, because official Baku takes into account all the possibilities. We try not to create problematic conditions for our steps. Our neighbors see and appreciate them. We win because we calculate all our steps, mull over the situation, take logical and pragmatic steps. Of course, this trend will continue in the future."

What experts say boils down to the fact that the illegal visit of the main presidential candidate Valerie Pecresse to Karabakh will have a negative impact on Azerbaijani-French relations. For its part, Russia must learn a lesson from what has happened. At least, from now on, the peacekeepers have to act adequately.

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