Hikmet Hajiyev reminds world community of need to ensure journalists' safety

Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmet Hajiyev shared on Twitter about the death of journalists in a mine explosion in Kalbajar yesterday.

In a tweet, the presidential aide quoted United Nations Security Council Resolution 1738 as reminding the world of the need to ensure the safety of journalists and media professionals working in conflict zones.

"UNSCR 1738-Recalls in this regard that journalists, media professionals, associated personnel engaged in dangerous professional missions in areas of armed conflict shall be considered as civilians, respected and protected," Hajiyev wrote.

At about 11.00 am on June 4, 2021, a Kamaz passenger car with employees of TV channels and news agencies dispatched to the de-occupied Kalbajar region for the performance of their official duties was hit by an anti-tank mine while driving in the direction of the Susuzlug village. Three people, including Siraj Abishov (cameraman of AzTV), Maharram Ibrahimov (employee of AzerTag news agency), Arif Aliyev (deputy representative of the head of the Executive Power in the Susuzlug village) died, and four others were hospitalized with various injuries.

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