German envoy to Azerbaijan honors memory of Holocaust victims

Today 76 years ago, the concentration camp Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army. Dehumanizing machinery of murder and cruelty, run by Germans, came to an end, German Ambassador to Azerbaijan Wolfgang Manig tweeted, Report informs.

‘We commemorate the deaths, the victims, the suffering, the missing generations of today, knowing that we never can do enough nor erase the guilt only for a bit. Today’s lesson, if any, may be: Let’s be human, let’s be vigilant,’ he wrote.

January 27 is celebrated as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This date was adopted internationally in 2006. On January 27, 1945, Soviet troops liberated Auschwitz - a complex of German concentration and death camps, on the territory of which about 1.4 million people were killed in 1941-1945.

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