German envoy: Azerbaijan plays important role in diversification of energy supplies

Azerbaijan is Germany’s most important economic partner in South Caucasus, German Ambassador to Azerbaijan Wolfgang Manig said in an interview with Report.

He noted that the cooperation between the two countries is focused in energy, trade, education and in the support of the reform policy. In international fora and bilaterally, Germany offers good services for a peaceful and sustainable reconciliation among Azerbaijanis and Armenians, he added.

“In our opinion, our common cultural heritage plays an important role. Therefore, I expect that before long the government of Azerbaijan will present its views on our proposal for a modern bilateral agreement on cooperation in the Fields of Culture, Education, Science, Youth and Sport. In these fields, bilateral cooperation can have very positive effects, also in other areas like vocational and educational training, preparing IDPs for their return to the territories which had been occupied in the last three decades. The German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK) acts as platform for German companies interested to do business in Azerbaijan, including the reconstruction of the just mentioned territories,” the ambassador said.

Speaking about economic cooperation, Ambassador Manig noted that the pandemic affected the global trade, including the economic relations between Azerbaijan and Germany.

“I am, however, confident that the decline will not last. Both the German and the Azerbaijani economies survived the global impact of the pandemic quite well. With an increased demand for energy, Azerbaijan continues to play an important role for Germany’s efforts for diversification of energy supplies. Azerbaijan’s strategy for green energy and hydrogen-based energy will be attractive for German technology,” he said.

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