French ambassador to Azerbaijan: It was interesting to see achievements in Lachin

The Ambassador of France to Azerbaijan, Anne Bouillon shared her impressions of the trip to Lachin as part of the visit of representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in the country.

The diplomat told Report that this is her first visit to Lachin.

"This is my first visit to Lachin. An event devoted to COP29 is underway today, and I think that this is a good opportunity to learn more about the priorities of Azerbaijan's presidency in COP29. The trip allowed us to learn more about the restoration of this region towards renewable energy sources, tourism and rural economy".

Having shared her impressions of the restoration and construction works in Lachin, the diplomat emphasized that this is a very beautiful place:

"I understand that this is a specific place, because in Lachin, there are no such destructions as in Agdam and other regions. It was interesting to see what kind of success was achieved after the restoration works started here."

The French ambassador touched on cooperation within COP29: "The President of COP29 was in Paris a week ago. COP29 is a global event, and we must support the success of COP29 for the sake of the future world and our children."

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