Foreign Ministry: Any steps against territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan will be resolutely suppressed

Starting from the late hours of September 12, 2022, the units of the Armenian Armed Forces carried out large-scale provocations in the Dashkasan, Kalbajar and Lachin directions of the Azerbaijani-Armenian state border, Azerbaijan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement, according to Report.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, sabotage groups of the Armenian armed forces, taking advantage of the mountainous terrain and existing gorges, planted mines in the territories between the positions of the units of the Azerbaijan Army and supply roads under the cover of darkess. Along with this, the Armenian armed forces fired intensively at the positions of the Azerbaijani army in the territories of the Dashkasan, Kalbajar and Lachin districts using weapons of various calibers, including mortars. As a result, there were losses among the personnel of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, and the military infrastructure was damaged.

In order to prevent provocations by the Armenian armed forces and military threats to the territory and sovereignty of Azerbaijan and to ensure the safety of Azerbaijan's military personnel, including civilian workers involved in infrastructure work in the Kalbajar and Lachin districts, the expansion of the scale of military clashes was prevented and decisive response measures were taken by units of the Azerbaijan Army stationed in this area towards suppressing the firing points of the armed forces of Armenia.

In addition, the information spread by Armenia about the alleged targeting of the civilian population, facilities and infrastructure by the Azerbaijani army does not reflect the reality and is yet another disinformation spread by the Armenian side.

In general, the provocations of the Armenian armed forces in the direction of Lachin, Gadabay, Dashkasan and Kalbajar districts of the state border, the shelling of the positions of the Azerbaijani army in these districts with weapons of various calibers were intensive and systematic over the past month.

At the same time, the growing militarization by Armenia along the border with Azerbaijan, the deployment of military hardware and large-caliber weapons in the area indicated that Armenia was preparing for a large-scale military provocation.

Along with this, Armenia, using various pretexts, slowed down the process of normalization, demonstrated a destructive position in the negotiations conducted through international efforts, did not withdraw its armed formations from the territory of Azerbaijan contrary to the obligations assumed under the tripartite statements and agreements reached, and also continued mining the territories, including the recent planting of mines in the territory of Lachin. Armenia's setting new prerequisites during the work to open communications and transport routes and the disruption of the process, as well as the rejection of the peace agenda demonstrated that Yerevan is not interested in the peace process and pursues the goal of undermining it.

The next aggression of the Armenian side against Azerbaijan is a gross violation of the fundamental norms and principles of international law, as well as the provisions of the tripartite statements signed between the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and the Russian Federation, and the agreements reached between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Armenia's steps completely contradict to the ongoing normalization process and peace. While the Azerbaijani state is carrying out large-scale restoration and construction work in these territories liberated from occupation, Armenia has once again shown that it impedes this process in every possible way, giving way to aggression.

All responsibility for the provocations, clashes and losses lies with the military-political leadership of Armenia.

Any steps against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan will be resolutely suppressed.

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