FM: Smear campaign against Azerbaijan on the eve of I European Games mainly sourced from Armenia and supporters

Baku. 1 April. REPORT.AZ/ II Secretary of the Foreign Ministry's press service Konul Suleymanli stated on the latest comments of the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Leonid Slutsky.

Report informs, K.Suleymanli said that, she familiarized with speech of L.Slutsky at a press conference held at the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Russia: "He noted that, Armenian media distorted the essence of his statements in Armenia and published the words, which he never said. We are pleased Leonid Slutsky recognizes such activities of the Armenian media. This once again proves that, Armenian media in any possible opportunity resorts to dirty tricks, and publishes the words as a speech of a person, despite he never uttered"

Foreign Ministry spokesman said that, such activities of the Armenian media are fully controlled by the state, in particular with regard to the representatives of Russia, aims to harm the political relations between Azerbaijan and Russia: "This dirty propaganda also aims to tarnish Azerbaijan. The events surrounding Leonid Slutsky once again prove that the majority of campaigns to demonize Azerbaijan, in particular, on the eve of the first European Games to be held in Baku on 12-28 June 2015 mainly sourced from Armenia and its supporters.

"Instead of settling the conflict, to stop its destructive policies and negative activities, withdrawal of occupation forces from the territory of Azerbaijan, it would be better for Armenia to follow the insisted urges of the international community, as well as to give opportunity to Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs to return to their native lands, from the point of establishing peace and stability in the region". 

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