Expert: Meeting in Brussels is positive sign of normalization of Baku-Yerevan relations

"The meeting between Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and European Council President Charles Michel in Brussels is important and positive. It gives hope that the long-awaited peace will be established in the South Caucasus region," Israeli lawyer, a specialist in international law and politics, Mikhail Finkel told Report.

He stressed that, during the meeting, one of the most important was the issue of delimitation and demarcation of borders, without which a full-fledged world is impossible.

"We see that the EU is trying to occupy the diplomatic niche that Russia does not currently hold, because the latter is busy with the special military operation in Ukraine. Today, Russia has dropped out of the South Caucasus agenda for a certain time," the lawyer said.

Finkel drew attention to the situation that prevailed in Armenia before the trilateral meeting in Brussels.

"In Armenia, against the backdrop of these negotiations, an 11,000-strong rally of opponents of Pashinyan took place, who demand that he not sign any agreements with Azerbaijan; the question arises whether Pashinyan will fall under the influence of this instability," the expert added.

"But overall the trend is positive and I look forward to a comprehensive peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia," he added.

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