Envoy: Sweden hopes for progress on new EU-Azerbaijan agreement

Sweden hopes for progress in negotiations on a new agreement between the European Union and Azerbaijan, Swedish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Tobias Lorentzson said in an interview with Report.

“In April, the Embassy organized a seminar on EU-Azerbaijan relations at ADA University and with the participation of Deputy Foreign Minister Mammad-Guliyev, the Eastern Partnership Ambassadors of Sweden and the EU, as well as of Swedish and Azerbaijani think tanks,” he noted.

“Sweden will also continue to support EU’s active engagement aimed at contributing to sustainable peace in the region, and we hope to see progress in the negotiations on the new framework agreement between EU and Azerbaijan. Our focus on the green transition is of particular relevance to Azerbaijan, not least in light of the MoU signed last year between the EU and Azerbaijan in the field of energy, including green energy.”

The full text of the interview is available here

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