Elmar Mammadyarov meets his Palestine counterpart

Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met with Riyad al-Maliki, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine on the sidelines of the 18th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement held in BakuAt the beginning of the meeting, the Palestinian Minister congratulated Azerbaijan on its presidency in NAM, the 28th anniversary of the state independence, as well as joining G-77, Report informs citing the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan.

Then, it was stressed that namely the UN Charter and the Security Council resolutions constitute the basis for the settlement of existing conflicts and controversial problems in the world. In this context, it was noted that Azerbaijan supports efforts to promote the rights of the Palestinian people within the UN, as well as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other international platforms.

The interlocutors emphasized the importance of joint efforts in multilateral formats and agreed that it could significantly contribute to international peace and security.

The Palestinian Foreign Minister expressed confidence that during Azerbaijan’s presidency in the Non-Aligned Movement these high values will be gradually promoted that would contribute to global and regional peace and prosperity. In this regard, it was underlined that the current Summit is remarkable and stressed its high significance in promoting multilateral cooperation, which is very important in the modern world.

Minister Mammadyarov paid attention to the importance of coordinated activities between the NAM and G-77, as well as joint efforts within the South-South cooperation format.

The sides also exchanged views on other regional issues of mutual interest.

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