Elman Nasirov: Mikhail Delyagin should be brought to justice

"Another provocation was committed against Azerbaijan in the program 60 minutes broadcast on the Russian state TV channel. Thus, at a time when the Russian-Ukrainian war is being interpreted, the deputy chairman of the Russian Duma committee Mikhail Delyagin has taken a very provocative position against our country," Member of the Azerbaijani-Russian working group on interparliamentary relations, MP Elman Nasirov told Report.

He said that the position of the Russian MP had nothing to do with the issue discussed in the program: "Delyagin used threatening language to accuse Azerbaijan of violating the ceasefire agreement with Armenia. He also said that our country allowed aggressive actions against Armenia and called Azerbaijan a tool of Turkiye. It is unfortunate that these views were voiced by the deputy on the Russian state TV channel. This person is aware that the relations between Azerbaijan and Russia have risen to an alliance level."

The member of the working group said that the leadership of the Russian State Duma should be informed about this issue: "Steps must be taken against this deputy, who casts a shadow over Russian-Azerbaijani relations, damages them, promotes terrorism, and uses insulting expressions against the Azerbaijani state, and he must be brought to justice."

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