Declaration of 6th Baku International Humanitarian Forum adopted

Baku. 30 September. REPORT.AZ/ The 6th International Humanitarian Forum has wrapped up in Baku.

Report informs that a declaration on the results of the 6th Baku International Humanitarian Forum has been adopted.

Report informs that the forum participants strongly condemn the escalation of conflicts, violent extremism, terrorism and related humanitarian crises, forced displacement of people.

In addition, the participants of the forum noted that, "in spite of all attempts to achieve effective intercultural, interreligious and inter-civilizational dialogue  manifestations of xenophobia, racism, intolerance and disregard to the achievements and capabilities of the policy of multiculturalism are still strong in the world."

The Declaration indicates a commitment to policy of gender equality and the rights of people in vulnerable situation.

At the same time, the forum participants recognized the huge role of mass media and information technologies in the development of humanitarian cooperation, as well as the need for continuous human development for these purposes.

The Declaration noted that the work of this forum contributes to the expansion and further development of international humanitarian cooperation.

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