Conference on simulation of Non-Aligned Movement model gets underway at ADA University

ADA University is hosting a conference on the simulation of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) model.

Report informs that Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, Head of the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation Farid Jafarov, and Vice-Rector of ADA University Fariz Ismayilzade spoke at the opening of the event.

Jafarov unveiled the plan to open a permanent office for the simulation of models of various international organizations. The Azerbaijan Youth Foundation has implemented several projects, including organizing simulations of the model of the UN and other international structures.

Vice-Rector of the University Ismailzade noted that such simulations allow young people to learn how to work in a team and learn all the necessary skills to achieve their future goals.

The Non-Aligned Movement, the largest international organization after the UN, celebrated its 60th anniversary last year. The organization, whose activities are based on strengthening peace and global solidarity, is currently chaired by Azerbaijan.

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