California radio speaks about Armenia's provocation

In the September issue of The Contreras Report radio program, Raoul Contreras, an American journalist in San Diego, California, and author of the US-published books "Murder in the Mountains: War Crimes in Khojaly and the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict" and "Armenian Lobby and US Foreign Policy", informed the audience about the recent military provocation of Armenia against Azerbaijan, arms transfers from Russia to Armenia, insidious activities of the Armenian lobby in the United States, atrocities committed by radical Armenian Dashnaks against Azerbaijanis in Los Angeles on July 21, Consulate General of Azerbaijan in Los Angeles told Report.

The journalist noted that on July 12, 2020, the Armenian armed forces attacked the country on the northwestern border of Azerbaijan, as a result of which 15 servicemen and one civilian were killed, many settlements were destroyed. Drawing attention to the area where this military provocation took place, Contreras said that it occurred not on the territories occupied by Armenia, but on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border far from there.

He emphasized Russian-Armenian relations that Russia has a large military base in Armenia, and Russian service members protect the Armenian border. The author also touched upon large-scale arms transfers from Russia to Armenia in recent days, noting that Azerbaijan has officially protested against this.

Speaking about the July 21 incident, the author said that many Armenian Dashnaks protested in front of the Consulate General in Los Angeles, organized by ANCA, attacked peaceful Azerbaijani protesters and injured several of them. After the incident, the mayor of Los Angeles, as well as influential Jewish organizations such as the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the American Jewish Committee, the Israeli-American Council, and the Anti-Defamation League, strongly condemned the violence against Azerbaijanis.

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