Brazil TV channel broadcasts program on Khojaly tragedy

A program on the Khojaly genocide was broadcast on the “Por Brasilia” program on Comunitaria De Brasilia TV (TVCOMDF) channel in the Brazilian capital, the Azerbaijani embassy in Brazil told Report.

Brazilian journalist Fabiana Ceyhan, who made the first visit to Azerbaijan’s liberated territories, mentioned the approaching 30th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide this year and asked local experts’ opinions on this tragic history in her interview.

Ph.D. in politics Joao Xavier, a researcher and founder of the Espaco Caspio website, told reporters that when Armenia occupied Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding regions of Azerbaijan in the 1990s with the help of the Soviet army, it committed genocide against local people in Khojaly in February 1992. The researcher said that the Armenian armed forces allegedly provided a corridor to the civilian population of Khojaly, but actually, they brutally killed innocent people in this corridor. He also said that this fact was also registered by foreign and local journalists and international organizations.

The genocide was a purposeful act and this is proved by a well-known expression of Armenia’s former president Serzh Sargsyan that "prior to Khojaly, Azerbaijanis thought that we could be joked with. They thought that Armenians could not attack civilian population. We had to break this stereotype. That's what happened," said Joao Xavier. Speaking about the importance of informing Brazil and the international community about the Khojaly genocide and preventing such tragic events in the future, the researcher said that the first known genocide in Brazil occurred in 1993 in Brazil's Yanomami region and called to join the “Justice for Khojaly” campaign.

Brazilian journalist and blogger Andreia Hiromi, founder and presenter of, said in an interview that the Khojaly genocide was not distant history, but was committed in the 20th century and should be evaluated at the international level. This genocide is to be recognized both in Brazil and around the world, and for this to happen, he stressed the need to join the Justice for Khojaly campaign. Journalist Andreia Hiromi called for support for the company, which was initiated by Leyla Aliyeva.

The program was broadcast on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays in the capital city of Brazil on the popular TV channel Comunitaria De Brasilia.

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