People of Bonaire will disappear without the world's attention, activist says

In a heart-wrenching statement at the Baku Initiative Group (BIG) office, James Finies, the leader of the Bonaire Movement for Change, shed light on the dire situation facing his people.

"The people of Bonaire became a colony of the Netherlands, and that is the worst thing that can happen to a society," Finies lamented. The most tragic aspect, he emphasized, is the world's ignorance of their plight.

Finies warned of the imminent threat of extinction that looms over the Bonairian nation. "We are ruled by colonial policies, and democracy has been stripped away from our people," he revealed.

He said their laws are manipulated to render the Bonairians completely dependent, silencing any voices of dissent.

Protesters risk losing their livelihoods and facing severe repercussions for speaking out against these oppressive measures, he said.

The Bonairian activist expressed gratitude for the opportunity to voice their concerns in Baku.

"All we need is a platform where we can express our protest. People need to know what is happening on our island," Finies pleaded. He emphasized the crucial role of international awareness in understanding the urgency of their situation and the desperate need for global support.

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