Bayramov, Lavrov comment on blocking of media outlets in Azerbaijan and Russia

"Official Baku is concerned about the blocking of several Azerbaijani media outlets in Russia. This issue was discussed during Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's visit to Azerbaijan," Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Jeyhun Bayramov, said at the press conference with his Russian counterpart, Report informs.

"Some problematic issues have emerged in recent months. Several Azerbaijani media outlets were blocked in Russia, and this month RIA Novosti was blocked in Azerbaijan. Of course, this naturally worries us. We touched upon this issue in today's meetings. Emphasis was placed on the need to develop mechanisms to prevent the occurrence of such cases rather than the consequences. We think it would be more effective to prevent them from happening. In this regard, holding "round tables" is useful, Jeyhun Bayramov stressed.

In turn, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, said that the issue was discussed at the meeting in Baku: "Based on the principles of respect for each other's laws and freedom of information following these laws, there is a common understanding between media leaders of both sides that we will hold a special series of events. We agreed to organize such consultations under the auspices of the information services of the foreign ministries."

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