Baku hosts event on "Neocolonialism and injustice: two dangerous trends of global policy"

On October 21, an event on "Neocolonialism and injustice: two dangerous trends of global policy" was held at Azerbaijan University of Languages under the organization of the Baku Initiative Group, Report informs.

Executive director of the Baku Initiative Group Abbas Abbasov, professors and teachers of the university, students studying the French language, Jean-Jacob Bicep, a representative of the People’s Union for the Liberation of Guadeloupe, Luc Francis Carole, representative of the Party for the Liberation of Martinique, a member of the Decolonization and Social Emancipation Movement in French Guiana, Maurice Pindard, a pro-independence political party in French Polynesia, Heinui Le Caill, and others participated in the meeting

A video on the speech of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the colonial policy of France was displayed at the meeting. Head of the Department of French Language Lexicology of Azerbaijan University of Languages, Professor Gulnara Sadigova, Head of the Department of French Phonetics and Grammar, Professor Ulfat Ibrahim, and French language teacher Anar Hajiyev spoke about the relevance and importance of the event.

It was noted that multiculturalism in Azerbaijan has become a way of life with no alternative. The policy of multiculturalism implemented in Azerbaijan in modern times is a clear example of the state's adherence to the principles of tolerance. The XXI century is the century of protection of human rights. People of the world want to live in peace and tranquility. Passing this trend to future generations is one of the priority directions. Azerbaijan's activity towards the protection of human rights and freedoms and further spread of multicultural values in other countries is undeniable.

The executive director of the Baku Initiative Group, Abbas Abbasov, shared his views on the activities of the organization he leads and the fight against colonialism.

The foreign guests noted that the colonial policy of some European countries led to serious consequences. They said that the use of their mother tongue is limited and that French dominates instead. Emphasizing that the people of Guadeloupe have lived under French slavery for four centuries, Jean-Jacob Bicep said that the natural resources of Guadeloupe have been exploited by France for years:

"In their books, they distort our language, history, and culture, and teach our youth the history and language of France."

A representative of the People’s Union for the Liberation of Guadeloupe, Luc Francis Carole, and a member of the Decolonization and Social Emancipation Movement in French Guiana, Maurice Pindard, stressed that they were financially and economically dependent as a result of the colonial policy.

It was noted at the event that there is also dominance in the fields of education and culture. Lessons are taught through French textbooks. The guests condemned the colonial policy of France and violence in terms of language and drew attention to the necessity of periodically releasing publications in their mother tongue.

Then the meeting continued in an interactive form - with questions and answers of students, teachers and journalists.

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