Azerbaijani President: Our support for Türkiye in process of eliminating consequences of the disaster will be continued

“This year's meeting coincides with a painful period for brotherly Türkiye. I remember the victims of the earthquake with a great sense of sadness and inform you that the people and the state of Azerbaijan, as always, stand with brotherly Türkiye in these difficult days like one heart and one fist,” President Ilham Aliyev said in his message to the participants of the 26th Eurasian Economic Summit organized by “Marmara Group” Strategic and Social Research Foundation, Report informs via AZERTAC.

“Azerbaijan mobilized resources at all levels to help Türkiye from the very first day and demonstrated tremendous solidarity. Our support in the process of eliminating the consequences of the disaster will be continued,” the President underlined.

The head of state expressed confidence that strong and powerful Türkiye will overcome these difficulties with dignity.

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