Azerbaijani president expresses his expectations from EU

“We are ready to work and actually different levels of our officials were in permanent contact with EU. EU can help us in delimitation, EU can help us in opening of communications, and also post-war development. We also have been discussing with EU the issue of economic assistance,” President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said in an interview with the Spanish EFE news agency, Report informs.

“We heard and we know that EU have prepared or is in the process of preparing the economic recovery package for Armenia worth 2.6 billion euros. And of course, we expect that the same amount of money will be offered to Azerbaijan on the same terms and conditions. Whether it’s grants, whether it’s loans, it should be equal, because we are the country which suffered. We have 10.000 sq kms of totally destroyed territory, all the cities, hundreds of cities and villages. Therefore, we, of course, expressed our concern that this economic recovery package can be unbalanced and we are now in the process of communications with EU and expecting from them the proposal for us for economic support. So, EU can do a lot, and we are ready to use this opportunity and we trust EU as an honest broker,” President Aliyev said.

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