Azerbaijani ministry: US, as co-chair of OSCE MG, took no effective steps for 30 years

“In connection with the opinion of Deputy Spokesperson of the US Department of State Jalina Porter on the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, voiced during a meeting with media representatives, we bring to the attention of the official of the State Department that, unfortunately, over these years, the US, as a co-chair country of the OSCE Minsk Group, hasn’t taken any effective steps to stop the military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, which lasted almost 30 years," the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said, Report informs.

“Azerbaijan restored its territorial integrity on the basis of international law and ensured the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions. There is no concept of ‘Nagorno-Karabakh,’ there are economic regions of Eastern Zangazur and Karabakh, which are an integral part of Azerbaijan.

Such a statement by a US State Department official based on false Armenian propaganda is in itself irresponsible behavior. We would like to emphasize once again that the Republic of Azerbaijan acts on its sovereign territories,” the ministry noted.

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