Azerbaijani MFA responds to Yerevan

"Armenian Foreign Ministry's statement dated July 30, 2021, exposes yet another provocative and libelous accusations against Azerbaijan. Armenia, which has been pursuing an aggressive policy towards Azerbaijan for nearly 30 years, is now demonstrating a position that goes contrary to international law, rejects the border delimitation process between the two countries and creates obstacles to the implementation of trilateral statements," a spokesperson for Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry Leyla Abdullayeva said, Report informs.

"Why does the country which wants de-escalation shell Azerbaijani positions? Why does it not respond to calls for a solution to the border issue through dialogue? We know the answer. It is because Armenia still makes territorial claims towards Azerbaijan and does not want to accept the restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan within internationally recognized borders. We want to bring to the attention of the Armenian side that peace in the region can only be achieved through observance of the principles of countries' sovereignty, territorial integrity, inviolability of borders. Sustainable peace can only be possible through respect to international law. For already 30 years, Azerbaijan has demonstrated and been guided by this position," the Foreign Ministry official said.

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