Azerbaijani MFA responds to Armenian Deputy PM

"We stand for constructiveness, not destructiveness," said Leyla Abdullayeva, spokeswoman for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry.

Report informs that she was commenting on the statement of the Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan, "there will be no peace agreement until the status of Karabakh is resolved."

"Avinyan has forgotten that the elections are left behind; now is the time to do real things, not populism. In general, the statements of Armenian officials, which contradict the new reality in the region and try to condition peace with any baseless issues, are primarily against the country itself. The best way to achieve peace, security, and progress in the region is to normalize relations based on respect and adherence to the principles of international law. It is the position that Azerbaijan has always demonstrated. By eliminating the factor of occupation of our territories, we have declared our readiness to normalize relations with neighboring Armenia and supported new cooperation initiatives. Because we stand for constructiveness, not destructiveness," she said.

"As for the reference to the so-called 'status' issue, we would like to remind you that Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated its position on this issue at the highest level. In his speech on July 14, the President reiterated: 'There is no territorial unit called Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan. There is no Nagorno-Karabakh – there is Karabakh. The Karabakh economic zone was established based on a decree I signed on July 7, and this is all. All regions of Karabakh are united into one. Moreover, we see similar views expressed by some foreign representatives. Unfortunately, the empty pledges and fantasies voiced by these people do not promise anything good to Armenia. Armenia must understand this and make conclusion from the past and history," Leyla Abdullayeva said.

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