Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry comments on Mirzoyan's statements

During a press conference with the Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of Austria Alexander Schallenberg on July 18, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan once again accused Azerbaijan making a number of baseless claims and demonstrated that he is not interested in peace and stability in the region, Report informs, citing Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry.

The fact that instead of showing respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, the Armenian Foreign Minister impedes the peace process under the pretext of the 'rights and security' of Armenians living in Karabakh, which was under occupation for almost 30 years, where ethnic cleansing was carried out against Azerbaijanis, testifies to the true intentions of the Armenian authorities. Speaking about the 'population of Karabakh', it is unacceptable to mean only the rights of Armenian residents and ignore the 'rights and security' of Azerbaijani residents expelled from these lands.

Azerbaijan is the party that initiates dialogue with Armenian residents, and it is important to reciprocate these kind steps of Azerbaijan. At the same time, it should be clear to the Armenian side that Azerbaijan provides and will equally ensure the rights and security of all ethnic minorities living in the country.

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