Azerbaijani FM informs top diplomat of Holy See about Armenia's mine terror

Within the 29th Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov informed Bishop Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See, about Armenia's mine terror, Report informs, citing Azerbaijan's MFA.

During the conversation, the sides noted the high level of Azerbaijan-Vatican relations and the regularity of bilateral meetings.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov stressed that Azerbaijan attaches great importance to the relations between the two countries, and in this regard, Azerbaijan's separate embassy in the Vatican will start operating. He voiced confidence that this will serve the further development of cooperation.

Bayramov also informed the other party in detail about the situation after the 44-day Patriotic War and the crimes committed against nature, vandalism, and destroyed cultural and religious heritage in Azerbaijani territories freed from occupation. He noted that Azerbaijan is carrying out the restoration of infrastructure, transport, and communication lines in the liberated territories. At the same time, detailed information was provided about the mine threats and other provocations committed and continued by Armenia. He pointed out that there is still no information about more than 3,800 Azerbaijanis missing since the early 1990s.

Bishop Paul Richard Gallagher expressed his hope that relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan will be normalized and peace will be restored. He emphasized that the opening of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in the Vatican is an important step and noted the need to increase efforts to expand relations further.

Azerbaijan's participation in the restoration of the historical sites of the Vatican was also noted with satisfaction, and it was brought to attention that this is considered a contribution to intercultural dialogue.

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