Azerbaijani Ambassador: Unfortunately, The Hague is not yet ready to objectively assess situation in our region

The call for military support to Armenia adopted by the House of Representatives of the Netherlands yesterday is a concerted action of the government and the parliament, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to the Netherlands Rahman Mustafayev told Report.

"During the discussion phase of this draft document, during the debates in the parliament, the foreign minister of the Netherlands actively supported it and stated that he would positively evaluate Armenia's possible appeals in the context of the European Peace Facility. Despite the fact that we repeatedly warned in our meetings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands that the practical implementation of this request could lead to further militarization of the region and negatively affect the negotiation process, as well as the position of Armenia itself, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the parliament ignored them," Mustafayev said.

The ambassador emphasized that The Hague, which claims to be the capital of international law and justice, is unfortunately not ready to assess the situation in our region in an objective, balanced way, taking into account the positions of international law:

"In addition to the fundamentally negative evaluation of this document by the Azerbaijani side, it is necessary to continue the work with the Netherlands, conduct a dialogue and convince them. I believe that the logic of the peace process and the work with the leading European capitals, including The Hague, will help to neutralize these dangerous initiatives of the Dutch parliament."

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