Azerbaijani ambassador responds to Armenian diplomat: Armenia will be brought to justice for its crimes

The bunch of racist crooks and fascist criminals called the “government of Armenia” will be brought to justice for their crimes against the people of Azerbaijan committed in 1987 - 2000, Azerbaijan's Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg, Vagif Sadigov, said in response to the insulting post of Armenia's Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg, Tigran Balayan, against Azerbaijan, Report informs.

The ambassador gave some examples of the criminal acts of Armenia:

"- mass violations of human rights and ethnic cleansing of 300,000+ Azerbaijanis from their historic lands in Western Azerbaijan (today - Armenia), which made 10% of the-then population, with hundreds of them murdered during the deportation;

- ethnic cleansing of 50,000 Azerbaijanis from the former “Nagorno-Karabakh” region of Azerbaijan in 1990-1992, with hundreds of them killed by Armenian militants;

- the violation of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and occupation of 20% (16,000+ sq. km.) of its internationally recognized territories by Armenia in 1992-1994 (see the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions of 1993);

- the ethnic cleansing of 700,000+ Azerbaijanis from 7 occupied districts of Azerbaijan beyond the territory of Qarabağ, with 9 cities and hundreds of villages destroyed and wiped off the face of Earth;

- the massacre of 600+ civilians, including elderly, women, children, in Azerbaijani town of Xocalı in February 1992 (2 years before Ruanda and 3 years before Srebrenica genocides)."

He also noted that the military defeat of Armenia in the 44-day-long war unleashed against Azerbaijan in September 2020 and the former’s signing of the capitulation act on November 10, 2020, has effectively put an end to the 30-year-long Armenia’s occupation of Azerbaijani lands and eliminated its consequences.

"Thus, the above-mentioned short-list of Armenia’s crimes against humanity and violations of international law is in the processing right now. The long-list waits for its turn to be presented soon," the ambassador said on X.

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