Azerbaijan sends note to US

Baku. 5 September. REPORT.AZ/ Charge d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the United States of America in Azerbaijan was called to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the verbal Note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the State Department of the United State of America was presented with regard to the illegal visit of certain Den Bilzerian, USA citizen, to occupied territories of Azerbaijan and using fire arms therein and his other unlawful actions, spokesperson of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hikmat Hajiyev told Report. 

At the meeting it was stated that certain Dan Bilzerian in violation of the Law on the State Border and Code of Migration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, without appropriate documents and beyond the checkpoints determined by the Azerbaijani authorities crossed from the territory of Armenia the internationally recognized borders and entered the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. While being in Khankandi town and other occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, this person illegally obtained weaponry and, in an attempt to promote the illegal separatist entity established by Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan made demonstrative and provocative firing on the position of Azerbaijan’s armed forces.

Furthermore, it was stated that his nefarious and insulting statements before the cameras offended dignity and moral values of Azerbaijani people and run counter to the letter and spirit of the friendly relations between Azerbaijan and United States of America.

USA Embassy Charge d’Affaires was also informed that the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan has filed a criminal case against D.Bilzerian and all necessary legal actions are being currently undertaken to bring him to justice.

It was also noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan expects that the Government of the United States of America will take into account the concerns of the Azerbaijani side with regard to D.Bilzerian’s illegal deeds and will undertake effective measures to prevent its citizens from violation of national legislation, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan as well as norms and principles of international law.

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