Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan agree on cooperation in migration

The lower house of the Kazakh parliament (Mazhilis) has adopted a bill "On ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Azerbaijan on cooperation in the field of migration."

Report informs, citing, that Kazakh Interior Minister Yerlan Turgumbayev presented the bill to the plenary session of the Parliament.

He said that the document would allow the two countries to exchange experience, statistics, and information, solve illegal migration and other problems. The legal status of citizens of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan will also be determined.

According to Turgumbayev, about 50,000 Azerbaijani citizens arrived in Kazakhstan in 2018 and more than 48,000 in 2019. 28,000 Kazakhs visited Azerbaijan in 2018 and 29,000 in 2019.

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