Hikmat Hajiyev: "We have joint work to do with Turkey in media and diaspora"

"Turkey will take an active part in the ongoing processes in the South Caucasus and in the process of transforming peace, which is still fragile in our region, to a lasting peace," Report informs, quoting Hikmat Hajiyev, Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan.

Hajiyev spoke at a webinar titled "The next ten years of Azerbaijani-Turkish relations" organized by the Center for International Relations Analysis and the Turkish Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Studies (SETA).

According to him, the joint cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey has made a significant contribution to Georgia's development.

"The brotherly Georgian people also appreciate it very much. I think we have joint work to do with Turkey in media and diaspora. We must increase our activities in these areas in the coming period. "

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