Assistant to President: Azerbaijan aims for economically oriented foreign policy

Azerbaijan is switching its foreign policy from a concept based on security to a concept based on economics. Hikmat Hajiyev, Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration, told The Caspian Policy Center (CPC), an independent think tank based in Washington, Report informs.

Hikmat Hajiyev explained this by the fact that Azerbaijan solved its "main security problem" as a country suffering from its deficit since part of its territory was under occupation. Having liberated its territories, Azerbaijan can concentrate on expanding economic cooperation with the countries of the region and the world.

According to the presidential aide, economic ties between Azerbaijan and the United States are mutually beneficial. Contracts with Azerbaijan contribute to the opening of new jobs in the US. In particular, cooperation in such areas as aviation, space and others has proven to be effective.

"We also look forward to expanding contacts between the citizens of the two countries, developing tourism and direct cooperation with individual states of America, in which, we are sure, there is significant potential," Hajiyev said.

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