Ambassador of France: We want to expand relations between Baku and Bordeaux

A very progressive agreement was signed in 1979 - Baku and Bordeaux became twin cities, French Ambassador to Azerbaijan Zacharie Gross said at an official reception on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of this date, Report informs.

"I really want the relations between Azerbaijan and France, as well as between Baku and Bordeaux, to develop even more. Baku and Bordeaux are both very active and attractive cities," he said.

In turn, chief of the Baku city Executive Power, Mayor Eldar Azizov, noted that 40 years is a fairly long period in terms of partnership.

"In those years, Baku was the capital of Soviet Azerbaijan and a lot of agreements were signed on twin cities. But cooperation continues with only a few of them, I think Bordeaux is among the first," he said.

The mayor also noted that today independent Azerbaijan implements an independent policy, that thanks to the will and desire of the country's leadership, relations with France have reached a qualitatively new level: "The development of relations between the cities in this context is a very important element and component. Despite the great distance, Baku and Bordeaux are connected and united by many factors - this is that both cities are port cities, and their cultural significance, as well as their winemaking traditions. We want to develop these relations. And as far as I know, the administration of Bordeaux have the same opinion."

The appeal of Bordeaux mayor Nicolas Florian was read out during the event. In his appeal Florian congratulated everyone with this remarkable date and expressed confidence about the further deepening of cooperation between Baku and Bordeaux.

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