Ambassador speaks about Azerbaijani realities in Germany

Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Germany, Nasimi Aghayev, spoke about the realities of his country, the Embassy told Report.

Germany's prestigious TV Berlin interviewed Ambassador Nasimi Agayev. The interview was broadcast on the Diplo International program. The host of the program is the well-known journalist Ewald Konig.

Agayev gave detailed information about the region where Azerbaijan is located, its neighbors, and its position on the historical Silk Road. He said that the location at the crossroads of civilizations had an impact on the demographic situation of Azerbaijan and the formation of the multicultural environment in the country historically. He noted that people of different religions and ethnicities, including Christians and Jews, live in peaceful and friendly conditions in Azerbaijan and can practice their religion freely.

Expressing that Azerbaijan faced serious socio-economic problems in the first years of independence and was subjected to military aggression by Armenia, the ambassador said that despite these difficulties, the country has rapidly developed in the socio-economic field over the past 30 years and has become the strongest state in the South Caucasus. Emphasizing that despite being located in a difficult region, Azerbaijan has been able to create productive relations with its neighbors, Ambassador Aghayev said that the main goal of Azerbaijan’s diplomacy is to further strengthen independence, establish relations with all states based on respect for the principles of territorial integrity and inviolability of borders.

Aghayev informed the channel viewers about Armenia's military aggression and the terrible destruction committed in the occupied territories and its policy of ethnic cleansing, the demining of the territories, the negotiation process towards the normalization of relations between the two countries, as well as Azerbaijan's role in ensuring Europe's energy security, etc.

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