Ambassador: Relations between EU and Azerbaijan are growing and deepening

Nakhchivan. 22 September. REPORT.AZ/ Relations between the European Union and Azerbaijan are growing and deepening. Report informs that head of the EU delegation to Azerbaijan, Ambassador Kęstutis Jankauskas said at a press conference on the occasion of European Days in Nakhchivan.

The Ambassador noted that the EU organizes an event of such scale for the first time. He reminded that this year Azerbaijan celebrates the 100th anniversary of the ADR and this event is a contribution to this important date.

"It is a sign of partnership and trust, so relations with Azerbaijan are growing and deepening," Jankauskas said.

The Ambassador noted that the EU is the largest trade partner of Azerbaijan, the number of EU companies operating in Azerbaijan is growing.

"We welcome Azerbaijan as a stable, prosperous, reliable and multicultural partner in the South Caucasus," the ambassador said.

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