Ambassador: Belgium supports peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia

Belgium supports the development of the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia, in which the EU plays a significant role, Belgian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Michel Peetermans said at an event dedicated to the Day of the King of Belgium (King's Feast) in Baku, Report informs.

The ambassador expressed confidence that bilateral relations will continue to develop in various areas.

According to him, the two countries maintain constant contact at the political level, and economic indicators are growing: "This year we also celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Belgium and Azerbaijan. In this regard, a special photo exhibition was organized."

Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Fakhraddin Gurbanov also participated in the event and noted that many Belgian companies are represented in Azerbaijan.

He said that thanks to the liberation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, new realities have emerged in the region. Large-scale work is underway in Azerbaijan to restore the liberated regions and return the formerly internally displaced persons. In addition, work is underway to normalize relations with Armenia.

"We have informed Belgium and other countries about the importance of all these processes," Gurbanov said.

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