33rd anniversary of January 20 tragedy in Peruvian media

The oldest and most influential newspaper of Peru, the official state newspaper El Peruano published the ambassador of Azerbaijan Mammad Talibov's article about the 33rd anniversary of the January 20 tragedy, the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Mexico told Report.

The article talks about the events of bloody January, which are remembered as the most tragic, but at the same time, heroic and courageous page in the modern history of Azerbaijan, as well as a turning point in the life of the Azerbaijani people. It also informs about the terrible, deliberate, and planned crime of the former USSR leadership against the people of Azerbaijan fighting for freedom, independence, and territorial integrity.

The article also mentions the historical crime committed by the Soviet troops in Azerbaijan, which resulted in the cold-blooded killing of 150 civilians, including the elderly, women, and children, and the wounding of hundreds of people.

The author states that he still remembers those horrible and tragic moments and the consequences of these treacherous and inhumane attacks. The article mentions that the Soviet military intervention could not dissuade the people of Azerbaijan from their determined struggle for freedom. Still, on the contrary, it resulted in Azerbaijan regaining its independence in 1991.

The article emphasizes that the courage shown by the people of Azerbaijan in 1990 was demonstrated again during the 44-day Patriotic War in 2020, in which our territories under Armenian occupation for almost three decades were liberated.

Talibov noted that on January 20, all Azerbaijanis visit the Alley of the Martyrs, where they honor and pay their respects to the victims of the tragic events and commemorate the martyrs and heroes who sacrificed their lives for the future of their homeland.

For Azerbaijanis, this bitter date is a day of sadness but also of pride for the heroes who fought for a free and prosperous future for their homeland.

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