1222 Azerbaijani citizens obtained dual citizenship in Georgia over past two years

Tbilisi. 9 October. REPORT.AZ/ Over the past two years, 15 Azerbaijani citizens have obtained Georgian citizenship, Georgian Justice Ministry said. 

Report informs that, according to the Ministry, from September 16, 2018 to August 17, Georgian citizenship of 201 people has been terminated.

1222 Azerbaijani citizens obtained dual citizenship in Georgia. In total 15,229 foreigners were granted Georgian citizenship during the reporting period. Most of them - 6,447 persons are Russian citizens. 58,143 foreign nationals applied for dual citizenship, with a majority Russian citizens (41,631 people). During the reporting period, 308 Azerbaijani citizens received permanent residence permits in neighbouring countries. Three Azerbaijani citizens were granted permanent residence permits in Georgia on investment basis. 144 Azerbaijanis have been granted residence permits and 321 Azerbaijani citizens got the right to work the a neighboring country. Citizens of Azerbaijan have been granted residence permit for educational purposes. 

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