Mirabdulla Abbasov: "It is encouraging that I was selected the footballer of the year" - INTERVIEW

Baku. 4 January. REPORT.AZ/ Report interviews the striker of Neftchi and Azerbaijan national team Mirabdulla Abbasov, the best footballer of 2018 who took part in the signature day in the Europa League Museum in Baku ...

- The signature day was arranged for you for the first time in your career. What do you feel about it?

- It is a very gratifying feeling. I have always tried to communicate with fans as much as I can. And today it is a chance for them to take a photo with me. I did what I could and I tried to find time for everyone. I would like to thank those who invited me here for the signature day.

- How do you evaluate Neftchi's performance in the first half of the season?

- I evaluate it positively. Certainly, being out of the country's cup towards the end of the year was a frustrating moment for us. But we are still leaders in the Premier League. Neftchi has taken its worthy place. We will do our best to preserve our positions by the end of the season and become champions.

- You are just three points ahead of Qarabag, which takes the second place. To what extent is championship real in this case?

- We ended the first two rounds in the first place, which means our team has a strength to do this. We will try to do more and dedicate the expected championship to Neftchi's fans.

- Was the year 2018 successful for you?

- Yes, it was. Along with showing a stable performance, I debuted in the main national team. Therefore, the year can be considered successful for me.

- You were also selected the Best footballer in 2018...

- First of all, I would like to say that it was unexpected for me, from the one hand, because a number of other players deserved that title, too. I can even name them. These are Maksim Medvedev, Qara Qarayev, Kamran Aghayev, Richard Almeida... They also had a lucky year and even did more for Azerbaijani football than I did. I would not have been surprized, if they were selected. Certainly, it is encouraging that I was selected the Footballer of the Year. I am thankful to all who voted for me in the survey. And many thanks to those who organized and took part in the survey. I believe the main thing is to show one's best in the pitch. Such cases are really encouraging. But my being selected as the Footballer of the Year is not a big thing.

- Do you wish to play abroad?

- I would definitely like to play in European Cups. But it is a bit difficult to speak about it because there is no offer. If I get the offer, I can say something for sure.

- Which leading European club would you choose, if you have such a chance?

- It is a bit odd to speak about it. Everyone would love to play in top clubs. I have been the Real Madrid fan since childhood. But I do not even want to speak about it (laughs-T.Q.)

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