FIFA may shorten football matches to 60 minutes

Football should introduce 60-minute matches with a stop-clock - that way, every game would last the same length, and 'we'd get rid of the time-wasting that was on display during Man City's defeat at Real Madrid,' said a well-known referee Mark Clattenburg, Report informs, citing Daily Mail.

"We, referees, know stoppage time is a contentious subject. The winning team wants less - the losing team wants more. I think there's a solution to all of this, and that's 60-minute matches with a stop-clock - an idea which Pierluigi Collina, FIFA, and IFAB are currently looking at. It works in basketball, and it could work in football, too.

"The clock is paused when the ball goes out of play, for example, or there's an injury causing a delay, or a referee is issuing a yellow card and dishing out a talking-to. That way, every game would last the same length, and we'd get rid of this controversy," Clattenburg noted.

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