Azerbaijani national football team today plays against San Marino

Baku. 4 September. REPORT.AZ/ Within the framework of the qualification group stage of the 2018 World Cup, the Azerbaijani national team will play the VIII tour match today.

Report informs, the rival is the San Marino national team.

The match will be held at the Bakcell Arena at 20:00. After 7 tours, Azerbaijan has 7 points and San Marino - 0.

In the match held in San Marino, the Azerbaijani team claimed victory with Ruslan Gurbanov’s goal. 

Notably, Badavi Huseynov, Maxim Medvedev and Dmitry Nazarov will not play in today’s match due to penalty.

Qualification stage of the 2018 World Cup

C group

20:00. Azerbaijan – San Marino

Chief referee: Nicola Dabanovic

Assistants to chief referee: Milutin Djukic, Jovica Tatar

The fourth referee: Pavle Radovanovic

(The referees are from Montenegro)

Referee-inspector: Kaj Ostergaard (Denmark)

Commissioner: Oljas Abrayev (Kazakhstan) 

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