Azerbaijani footballer casts in commercial in Germany - VIDEO

Baku. 4 February. REPORT.AZ/ The footballer of Azerbaijani national team, Dmitry Nazarov has casted in a commercial in Germany.

Report informs citing the Tag 24 porta that the commercial film propagates Aue city of Germany, represented by Erzgebirge club, where 29-year-old midfielder wears uniform. Besides Nazarov, migrants- pediatrician Yana Ondryashova, chef Ricardo Basjan, musician Naoshi Takahashi and Leonid Kondratyev, a specialist in the plant were also included the cast.

The aim of the commercial prepared with the slogan "World together with us" is to attract migrants to Aue.

Erzgebirge CEO Michael Foytte said the nationality of people who bring benefit to public is not important: "We have been attracting foreigners to our club for many years. Even the team's doctor is from the Czech Republic. If someone is useful for society, his nationality does not matter. "

Notably, Dmitry Nazarov was born on April 4, 1990 in Kazakhstan. Azerbaijani native footballer moved to Germany with his family at the age of one.


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