"Ziraat Bank (Azerbaijan)" OJSC Supervisory Board reshuffles

Baku. 23 September. REPORT.AZ/ “Ziraat Bank (Azerbaijan)" OJSC's Supervisory Board reshuffles.

Report informs, Özdilek Peyami Ömer Sabri was appointed as the Chairman of Supervisory Board, replacing in this post Ömer Baktır.

The Deputy Chairman of the Board Bilgehan Kuru was replaced by Bakir Nurullah Ali Ulvi.

The Supervisory Board members Ayçe Şule Gürleyik, Ali Taşdemir and Taha Çakmak were dismissed from their posts. Only Pişmaf Ferhat Celal will replace them. In other words, the number of the Supervisory Board members shrinked from 5 to 3.

"Ziraat Bank (Azerbaijan)" OJSC was established in 2014. The bank’s authorized capital is 50 mln AZN. 99.98% of shares owned by "Ziraat Bank” (Turkey), 0.01% by "Ziraat Sığorta" company, 0.01% by "Ziraat Yatırım Menkul Değerler" company. 

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