World Bank ready to extend project implementation in Azerbaijan

The World Bank (WB) plans to extend the closing date of Judicial Services and Smart Infrastructure Project  from June 30, 2020, to June 30, 2021.

"The parent project's closing date (IBRD Loan No 8407-AZ) will be extended from June 30, 2020, to June 30, 2021, to allow for full utilization of the remaining funds and operationalization of the court complex in Sumgayit and the Data Centers. During the preparation of the AF, the team will work with the counterparts to see whether this date can be brought forward to December 31, 2020," the Bank said in its report.

Azerbaijan will receive $ 100 million in a loan through the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD - a WB subsidiary) for the implementation of the project, estimated at $ 200 million.

The development objective of the Judicial Services and Smart Infrastructure Project for Azerbaijan is to improve the access, transparency, and efficiency of the delivery of selected justice services. The project comprises of four components. The first component, judicial service delivery improvements, will finance two sub-components: access to justice and the expansion of e-Justice services. The second component, strengthening institutional capacity, efficiency, and monitoring and evaluation, will finance technical assistance, training, and advisory services to improve the capability of key justice entities to make informed policy decisions and implement reforms. There are following four sub-components: (i) improvements to justice sector performance; (ii) strengthen the information systems management and operational capability of the ministry of justice (MOJ); (iii) communications, outreach, and change management activities aimed at facilitating stakeholder engagement in justice sector reforms; and (iv) strengthen the professional capacity of judges, of staff of courts and the MOJ, and of the justice academy. The third component, expansion, and modernization of justice infrastructure will finance the construction and rehabilitation of about six courthouses and court complexes at locations selected under criteria outlined in the operational manual, through the carrying out of works and the provision of goods, consultants' services, and training. The fourth component, project management, and coordination will strengthen the capacity of the MOJ in project management, monitoring, and coordination including audits of (i) project financial statements, (ii) environmental and social safeguard compliance, and (iii) implementation of information and communications technology activities under the project

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