Switzerland may hold a referendum on European Union

Baku. 25 December. REPORT.AZ/ Switzerland may hold a general referendum to clarify the country’s relationship with the EU.

Report informs referring to the Lenta.ru, President of Swizerland Doris Leuthard told the Swiss newspaper SonntagsBlick.

“We have to know in which direction to go. Therefore, a fundamental referendum would be helpful,” said Leuthard.

The relationships between Bern and Brussels have been tense for the past two years. Switzerland severely reacted over placing a one-year limit on rights of Swiss stock exchanges.

It means restriction has been imposed on the purchase of shares of companies owned by local investors and registered in EU. Switzerland slammed the EU’s decision to limit Swiss financial access to its markets as discriminatory.

Leuthard added that many Swiss citizens are skeptical towards EU, but there was no alternative to finding an accommodation with the bloc which generates around two thirds of Swiss trade.

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