STS Azerbaijan employee elected as expert to Global Forum

Safarali Javadov, Chief of the Tax Monitoring Department in Financial Institutions of the Main Department of International Taxation and Tax Monitoring of the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy was elected a member of the Automatic Data Exchange (AEOI) Evaluation Group, which is part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Global Forum on Tax Information Transparency and Exchange.

The experts selected as members of the Evaluation Group have long been active participants in the process and are characterized by a thorough knowledge of the tax legislation of other member countries. The main task of the group is to assess other countries in this direction.

As agreed at the Global Forum's plenary session in 2018, it was planned to provide ratings and make decisions on the effectiveness of the legal framework in practice for each country in 2020. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, this process, scheduled for 2021, maybe postponed until 2022.

It is the first time that an expert represents Azerbaijan at such a prestigious event. Membership in the OECD Evaluation Group reflects the organization's high appreciation of Azerbaijani professionals and serves its reputation. At the same time, this membership is essential in benefiting from developed countries' experience and the exchange of information. It will create additional opportunities to enhance the powers of the tax authorities further.

The Global Forum, which has 161 member countries, is currently the most considerable body specializing in taxation.

Safarali Javadov is a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics and Management at the Warsaw School of Economics in Poland. He has more than ten years of experience in tax administration in Azerbaijan and currently heads the Tax Monitoring Department at DVX Financial Institutions. Javadov has worked in various areas throughout his careers, such as tax returns, tax arrears, tax audits, and more. He is closely involved in Azerbaijan's cooperation in the FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) in the US and the automatic exchange of financial information in other countries.

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