Several banks in Azerbaijan suspended currency sales

Baku. 8 January. REPORT.AZ/ Due to current situation, number of commercial banks operating in Azerbaijan suspended sale of both dollar and euro.

Report informs, although, the rate of sales noted they currently do not conduct sale.There is no information on restoration of the process. At present, "Amrahbank", "Silk Way Bank", "AFB Bank", "Atabank", "Access Bank" and "Dekabank" ASC stopped selling the US dollar and euro.

Thus, "AFB Bank" and "AtaBank" stopped either the purchase or sale. "Dekabank", Silk Way Bank","Access Bank "and "Amrahbank" continue purchase. 

"Amrahbank" and "Silk Way Bank" buy dollar at 1.5600 AZN/USD, "Dekabank" at 1.60 AZN/USD. Exchange rate of Euro makes 1.67, 1.68 and 1.67 AZN/USD.

According to the Central Bank of Azerbaijan today, official exchange rate of US dollar is 1.5642 AZN / USD, the euro makes 1.7009 AZN/USD.

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