“PASHA Life” become the first among insurance companies introducing Mobile ID

Baku. 4 February. REPORT.AZ/ “PASHA Life” has become the first among insurance companies introducing“Asanİmza”(Mobile ID) service, Report informs citing the Company's press service. 

According to information, along with the existing analogical e-service, individuals and corporate clients can easily and safely get new insurance certificate on compulsory insurance against cases of becoming disabled due to accidents at work or professional illnesses, as well as carry out operations on update of existing contracts. 

In order to use “Asanİmza” mobile e-signature service, you may apply to e-service sector on the official website “PASHA Life”. 

“Asan İmza” mobile e-signature – is a technology that enables to use a mobile telephone as a digital identity card and signature tool. The main advantage of “Asan İmza” technology is no requirement of using additional devices and software for reading a smart card. A mobile telephone and a SIM card which stores authentication and e-signature digital keys aresufficient for starting using this service.

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